Saturday, May 3, 2008

I purposely stay out of the loop of religious politics, but I stumbled upon an interesting news article today that started me thinking. ( )

The title “Evangelicals Say Faith is Now too Political” got my attention. The gist was that a manifesto has been written, by those who do such things, calling for churches to focus on the Bible to clean up our own sins, instead of the handful of political issues (abortion, and marriage) that we have used to choose political parties and candidates.

This put into words a growing conviction that I have been wrestling with. I will admit that, in the zeal of idealism, I once marched against abortion. And I still would never choose that action for myself. But as I saw the lack of compassion in the acts of hate carried out in the guise of Christianity, I withdrew from involvement in the issue.

I know my age is mellowing my perspective, but as I am repulsed and embarrassed by my southern white ancestors treatment of blacks, disallowing them to even come into their churches, I wonder if my great grandchildren might be just as shocked by my wasteful consumerism and its contribution to the depletion and destruction of the environment. It is humbling to realize that those who follow us as Christians will judge us by the Bible, not filtered by OUR culture and time, but by their own.

May those who come behind us find us faithful. And may God, and they, have mercy to forgive our blind spots.

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