Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Car Wash

Driving to Mexico involved lots of dirt roads, rain, and mud.   Both cars arrived dirtier than anything I've ever ridden in.   We drive my little Fiesta most of the time, so the first time we went to Walmart we allowed the guys with buckets and rags in the parking lot to wash it.   Because it was so bad, we paid them the $8 they asked.   They did a pretty good job, and it was done while we shopped for groceries.   They even got a big layer of grime off the tires.

When the plumber was here one day, Dan was trying to learn as much as possible about the area.   The plumber spoke a little English, so Dan asked him what "the places where they wash your car" are called.    He carefully spelled out  "C A R   W A S H".    Sure enough, we noticed several "Car wash" signs in town after that.   Duh!

A friend recommended a particular one, so today we took the Explorer in.   They wash the outside, and vacuum and wipe down the inside for about $5.   So we waited in the adjoining outdoor palapa covered café and drank coffee as we watched.   They first pressure washed the whole car, paying particular attention to the tires.   Then they opened each door and the hatch and pressure washed around the doors.   I about had to restrain Dan when he saw them spraying water INSIDE the car.

Yes, that is water spraying in and through the open door!   The worker opened all 4 doors and the hatch in succession and then made another pass around the car with soap.   After this, he moved the car down, so we never saw what he did on the inside.   About the time the car was moved, another patron came in and we nervously asked him if he had used this car wash before.   He said "Yes.   They always do a great job!"  So we waited and visited with our new friend.  (We now have his name and phone number.)   And after another half hour or so, the worker signalled that our car was ready.   We paid the waitress/cashier for our coffee and the carwash and went to survey the work.

It looked awesome!   The seats were not wet.   The inside looked like it had been Armor-All'ed.   OK, the headliner was slightly damp.   But we will definitely be back!   And I hear the palapa café serves a great taco.   So we have now found a "Car Wash and Lunch" spot!

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